

be your OWN motivation

i live by #everydaycounts ✿ whether i do 1 productive or self care thing or 7, that’s still something to be proud of.. then i try even HARDER my next day ;)

say i have a tough day & do absolutely NOTHING. that’s okay! the next day, i try my best to be productive & do what needs to get done. sometimes life can feel a bit heavy & if you need a rest day to relax & re-group, i say TAKE IT & enjoy it. surely, the next day you’ll feel more energized & maybe even more motivated to fulfill your tasks & get a good workout in.

this is what i try do to EVERY DAY; read, go to the gym or workout at home, go outdoors for a walk, draw, journal, meal prep, write down some new goals, find time to relax, meditate, write in my planner, do some stretching in the morning or yoga, etc. life is great if you make it great! you just have to put in the work.

throughout my fitness journey, i’ve looked up to a few people… as time went by, i slowly started becoming MY OWN MOTIVATION. seeing others succeed in different aspects in life will def’ spark a fire of inspiration in you. at least, that’s how it was for me. it motivated me to keep chasing my goals & dreams, & with time, looking back at all my hard work & growth, i became my own inspiration & motivation.

remember that every day is another opportunity to be a better you & to do better than yesterday. anything is possible if you put your mind to it. honestly, the space is the limit… & space ain’t got no limits! ;)

remain kind. focus on yourself. practice self love. keep yourself accountable. & never give up.

thank you for reading.