The Fruit Collection Bundle

The Fruit Collection Bundle

from $47.00

The Fruit Collection

perfect for warm ups, at home workouts, glute activation exercises, & to intensify your exercises / workouts at home, outside, or at the gym!

  • 3 strength levels: light / medium, heavy, extra heavy

  • avocado & cherry band are about 26 inches & the peach band is about 27 inches (in circumference)

  • individually packaged in matching avocado, cherry, & peach print pouches

The Fruit Collection + The Jazmin Long Black Band

  • this bundle comes with the 3 short bands & the long black band

  • long black band strength level: heavy

  • long black band intended use: perfect for full body at home workouts. can be helpful for assisted pull-ups, etc.

  • $57 - saving you a total of $10

made with love, xoxx

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The Fruit Collection Fitness Trackers



The Avocado Band - LIGHT / MEDIUM Facetune_11-08-2021-11-01-20.jpg

The Avocado Band - LIGHT / MEDIUM

The Cherry Band - HEAVY 6C6DEC6D-BE2E-4189-B2DE-E1EAF630414A

The Cherry Band - HEAVY

The Peach Band - EXTRA HEAVY

The Peach Band - EXTRA HEAVY
